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Competition Overview

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Competition Overview

The Student Evaluation Case Competition is a two-round annual competition that helps students to apply and showcase their program evaluation skills. The competition aims to help emerging student evaluators develop their evaluation competencies that can be used for their CE. Through the use of real-world programs and cases, students work in teams to respond to a request for proposals over a limited time period. 


How does the Case Competition Work?

The case competition has two rounds: the preliminary round and the final round. In the preliminary round, teams of students (see General Rules for further specifications on team rules) are given a novel request for proposals and have 5.5 hours to prepare a response. Submissions are evaluated by a bilingual panel of three experienced evaluators across Canada.

The top three teams participate in the final round at the Canadian Evaluation Society Annual Conference, where they are given 5 hours to analyze a new evaluation case. Teams present their response in front of a live audience. We are proud to provide FREE conference registration for finalists and 80% of students’ expenses!

The Case Competition really tested my knowledge of evaluation concepts. The experience helped me refine my abilities to develop evaluation project proposals in my current position, taking into consideration the nuances of evaluation methods to gather data, etc. It piqued my interest in program evaluation, and has led to my career and professional development to focus on evaluation.
— Past Participant
As a coach, the greatest contribution of the Case Competition is that it integrates in a practical way, the theories and instruments of evaluation. Students are able to assign the right theories with the right tools with the right context. In my view, there is no better way to learn.
— Past Coach