The Competition & Cases
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Competition Overview
How does the Case Competition Work?
The case competition has two rounds: the preliminary round and the final round. In the preliminary round, teams of students (see General Rules for further specifications on team rules) are given a novel request for proposals and have 5.5 hours to prepare a response. Submissions are evaluated by a bilingual panel of three experienced evaluators across Canada.
The top three teams participate in the final round at the Canadian Evaluation Society Annual Conference, where they are given 5 hours to analyze a new evaluation case. Teams present their response in front of a live audience. We are proud to provide FREE conference registration for finalists and 80% of students’ expenses!
The winning team will be invited to represent Canada in the World Evaluation Case Competition that takes place online in November.
Preliminary Round
For the preliminary round, each team is required to provide their own work space with an internet connection and any materials they might need (e.g., white board, chart paper, printer) to prepare their submission. Teams can explore any public information that would be accessible by a consulting group (such as websites, articles, etc.).
Explore the general procedure of the preliminary round below, or contact us for more information.
Receiving the Case
When you register your team, you selected a contact person. The day before the competition, the contact person will be sent an email with a team identification number and a website link to the case.
You may start the competition on the Preliminary Round Competition Day at a time of your choosing by accessing the website you received the day before the competition. There is no designated start time. Once this website is accessed on the Preliminary Round Competition Day, your team will have 6 hours to complete the case and upload your submission to the same website.
Preparing your Submission
Your completed submission will be uploaded to the same website that you used to access the case. Your submission must be sent as one PDF document (not a zipped file of multiple documents). Submissions should be concise; the judges are looking for quality, not quantity!
Keep your Submission Anonymous
It is important that the judges do not know the real identity of the teams who prepared submissions. Your team should only identify yourself using the team name that you registered with. Your submission should also not include any potential identifying information such as names of colleges or universities, cities, or provinces.
Criteria for Scoring
The case you receive will provide a detailed breakdown of how the submission will be scored. In general, the judges will evaluate your understanding of the program, the appropriateness and completeness of the logic model and/or evaluation matrix, appropriateness of the evaluation design, data collection and analysis plan, the assessment of challenges and potential solutions, level of innovation shown, and the overall quality of the proposal including writing style and presentation. Teams are usually required to discuss 1-3 relevant evaluation competencies. See sample cases for examples of detailed criteria.
Receiving Feedback on your Submission
The judges may take up to one month to review the submissions and select the top three teams. Each team will receive feedback on their submission.
Final Round
The final round takes place at the Canadian Evaluation Society Annual Conference. The Canadian Evaluation Society and Education Fund will provide free conference registration for finalists and cover 100% of costs for travel, accommodations, meals, and a year-long CES membership.
Explore the general procedure of the final round below, or contact us for more information.
Pre-Competition Meeting
The day before the case competition, all three teams and their coaches will meet with the organizers. You will have an opportunity to see the rooms where you will work and select start times.
About the Working Rooms
The rooms where you will work on the case will have: a conference table, flip chart, markers, masking tape, wi-fi, and outlets/extension cords for up to five computers. Teams are required to bring their own laptops and are encouraged to bring any other equipment or materials you may need, such as a printer or a projector. You are welcome to go to your working room before your start time to set up and organize your work space.
Receiving the Case
A member of the organizing committee will meet your team in your assigned room 10 minutes before your start time. Each team member will be given a hard copy and an electronic copy of the case. Once every member of the team has a copy of the case, the five hour preparation period will begin.
Submitting your Presentation
When your five hours are over, a member of the organizing committee will come to your working room to collect a copy of your PowerPoint presentation on our flash drive. The organizing committee will print a copy of your presentation for the judges. After you submit your presentation, you will have a 60 minute break before you are required to make your way to the presentation room.
Giving your Presentation
Your presentation will be pre-loaded onto the computer in the presentation room, and it will be open to the first slide before you arrive. You will have 20 minutes to present your submission, followed by a 10 minute question and answer period with the judges. Audience members may also ask questions, if time permits.
Scoring and Feedback
The judges will assess your presentation on how thoroughly your team addressed the evaluation requirements, the quality of your presentation, and team members' involvement and collaboration in the presentation and question period. After the judges have deliberated, they will meet together with all three teams and coaches to provide verbal feedback. You will not be told who the winning team is during this feedback session.
Awards Reception
The Case Competition Awards Reception will be held at the end of the competition day to celebrate the accomplishments of the finalists. All finalists are recognized, and the winning team is announced.